Thursday, 23 February 2012

Three Months in Israel

"Would you ever sell?" asked my husband.


"No, really. What would you do if you sold?"

"I'd go to Israel for three months, that's what I'd do"

So here I am. About to depart for my 3-month sabbatical. Who knew time flew so fast.


  1. Here's to some amazing times!
    Buen viaje! Nesiya tova!

  2. I'd get stuck at Eat too!
    Savour every delicious day!
    And I'll probably follow in your footsteps :) as I tend to do!
    Bon voyage! xo

  3. Hola Raquelita!!!!!, seré la primera en escribirte en español :-)
    Te felicito amiga mía!, harás un suenio q muchos de nosotros tus amigos nos
    encantaría hacer, solo q tu tienes las guts y el koaj para hacerlo!
    Que tengas una nesia tova, q llegues con mucho Mazal tov q logres concretar tus sueños
    y q nos mantengas al tanto de cada detallito tanto intelectual como emocional

